Erinarsortartoq atuakkami UNESCO-meersumi ilaasoq: Qilaatersorneq inuiattut katerissutissaqqippoq
Varna Marianne Nielsen qilaatersornermik ilisimasaminik nunap inoqqaavisa kulturikkut kingornussaat pillugit atuakkami nutaami ilanngussaqarpoq. Qilaatersornerup ullutsinni kulturitsinnut maannaminngarnit ilaanerulernissaa, taassuma neriuutigaa.
Erinarsortartoq Varna Marianne atuagaq ilaaffigisani UNESCO-meersoq Parisimi qanittukkut saqqummersinneqarmat peqataavoq.Assi © : Privat
juunip 24-at 2024 11:16
Nutserisoq Hanne Petersen
Qilaatersorneq nunap inoqqaavisa kulturikkut kingornussaat pillugit atuakkami Naalagaaffiit Peqatigiit kattuffiat UNESCO-meersumi immikkoortunut ilaavoq.
Erinarsortartoq eqqummiitsuliortutut Varna GL-imik atequsilik, Varna Marianne Nielsen, qilaatersornermik ilisimasaminik atuakkami “Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples”-imi (nunap inoqqaavisa kulturikkut kingornussaannik nersorinninneq, aaqq.)) ilanngussaqarpoq. Qilaatersortartut allat marluk aamma nunatsinneersuusut, tassa Nuka Alice Lund aamma Leif Saandvig Immanuelsen, atuakkami tassani aamma ilaapput.
- Qilaatersorneq inuuninni isumaqarnerpaavoq, kinaassutsinniilernikuummat. Taavalu aamma uannut atugaralugu, kisianni annissinermut atortarakku aamma, Varna Marianne Nielsen oqarpoq.
Varna Marianne Nielsen atuakkap ilaaffigisani UNESCO-p Parisimi qullersaqarfiani saqqummersinneqarnerani peqataareerluni Nuummut ilaquttanilu uteqqammerpoq.
Ilaquttaminut ingerlateqqinniaraa
Qilaatersorneq Varna Marianne Nielsenip ilaqutaani Tunumeersuni isumalerujussuusimavoq, 1940-kkulli kingornali aallukkunnaariartorsimallugu.
Nunatsinnimi politikkikkut qallunaanngorsaaneq taamani ukkatarineqarpoq.
Varna Marianne Nielsen meeraalluni ilaqutaani tivasoqartarpoq, ilaqutaatali qilaatersornermik ingerlatitseqqiivigisimanagu.
- Peroriartorninni maqaasisutut illunga malersugaqartarpunga, malersugarali suunersoq nalusarlugu, taanna oqarpoq.
- Qilaatersortumik meeraallunga takoqqaaramali alutorilerpara, aatsaalli inersimalerama nammineq toqqaasinnaanngorama ilaquttannullu ingerlateqqikkusukkakku aallutilerpara, erinarsortartoq oqarpoq.
Aamma atuarukCanadamiu Keenan aataqqiiminit kingornussivoq: Qilaatersornerup immikkuullarissunngortippaatigut
Qilaatersorneq Varna Marianne Nielsenip eqqartuussisutut atorfimmut atatillugu 2009-mi Tasiilamiinnermini aallutilerpaa.
Qilaatersornerlu kinaassusaaniilernikuummat maanna ulluinnarsiutigaa.
Atugaanngitsunik periarfissarpassuaqartoq
Qilaatersornerup ullutsinni kulturitsinnut maannaminngarnit ilaanerulernissaa, Varna Marianne Nielsenip pingaartippaa. Taamaammat atuagaq ilaaffigisani UNESCO-meersuusoq “Celbrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples” kalaallisuunngortinneqarumaartoq, taassuma neriuutigaa.
Qilaatersornerup ullutsinni kulturitsinnut maannaminngarnit ilaanerulernissaa, attanneqarnissaa ineriartortinneqarnissaalu siunertaralugit inngernermut tivanermullu nittartakkakkut ilimasassarsiorfissatut pilersippaa.
- Kinaassutsitsinniimmammi kulturitsinnut ilaaginnarnissaa pingaarpoq. Timi oqaatsillu atorlugit annissinissamut attaveqatigiinnissamullu, aamma ullutsinni, atugassaqqippoq, taanna oqarpoq.
- Inuiaat allarpassuit kulturiinut naleqqussarluta inuusaaseqarnerput eqqaagaanni qilaatersorneq, tivaneq inngernerlu periarfissarpassuaqarput suli maannakkut ullutsinni atugaanngitsunik, Varna Marianne Nielsen aamma oqarpoq.
Qilaatersorneq aamma assersuutigalugu ajorunnaarsaatissaqqissuusoq, taanna oqarpoq.
Taamaammat qilaatersorneq kulturikkut kingornussatsinnut ilaammammi nunatsinni kikkunnilluunniit ilisimaarineqaqqullugu meeqqat atuarfiini atuartitsissutaasartunut ilanngunneqarumaartoq, taassuma neriuutigaa.
- Killeqanngitsumimmi attaveqaqatigeriaasiummat inuiattut katerissutissaqqippoq, Varna Marianne Nielsen oqarpoq.
Qilaatersorneq, tivaneq inngernerlu nunarsuarmi inuiannut pingaarutilittut UNESCO-p kulturikkut kingornussanut tigussaanngitsunut allattugaataanut 2021-mi ilanngunneqarput.
Atuagaq nutaaq UNESCO-p nittartakkakkut atuagaateqarfiani aaneqarsinnaavaoq: Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples - UNESCO Digital Library
Singer takes part in new book: Drum dance is a way to stand together as people
Varna Marianne Nielsen contributes knowledge about drumming to a new book about the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples. She hopes that the drum dance will become a bigger part of our culture in the future.
The singer Varna Marianne Nielsen has just been to Paris to take part in the publication of a new UNESCO book, in which she contributes.
Photo © : Private
June 24, 2024 11:16 am
In a new book from the UN organization UNESCO, which deals with the culture of indigenous peoples, the Greenlandic drum dance is unfolded.
It is the musician Varna Marianne Nielsen, who goes by the stage name Varna GL, who has contributed to the book "Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples" (Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples, ed.) with knowledge of drum dance. She does this together with drummers Nuka Alice Lund and Leif Saandvig Immanuelsen.
- Drumming is my most important instrument and my most important way of expressing myself and being with myself, says Varna Marianne Nielsen.
She has just landed in Nuuk, where she lives with her family after participating in the book launch in Paris, where UNESCO's headquarters are located.
Will pass it on in the family
Drum dancing has had an important meaning for generations in Varna Marianne Nielsen's family from East Greenland. But in the 1940s and onwards, the drum dance disappeared both from the culture and the family.
From the political side, there was a focus on making Greenland more Danish.
Varna Marianne Nielsen occasionally heard drumming as a child, when family members rarely played. However, it was not a tradition handed down to her.
- I have always had a longing. Something I've been looking for, but couldn't really put my finger on what it was, she says.
- When I heard drum dance as a child, I was hooked on it, but it was still something that was far from me. So it was only as an adult that I decided to take it up again to carry it on in my family, says the musician.
Read alsoCanadian Keenan took up the legacy from his great-grandfather: Drumming makes us unique
She sought out the drum dance for the first time in 2009, when she traveled as a circuit judge in Tasiilaq.
And today, drumming and dancing are a regular part of her and her everyday life.
So much potential we are not using
It is important to Varna Marianne Nielsen that drum dance has a greater importance in our culture to this day. She therefore hopes that the UNESCO book "Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples" will be translated into Greenlandic.
In an attempt to anchor drum dance in today's culture, she started the organization There is work to convey, preserve and develop the drum dance.
- It is important to stick to the drum dance because it is part of our culture, part of what we come from. It is a way of expressing oneself, communicating and moving that is still relevant today, she says.
- There is a lot of potential in drum dance, which we do not make use of today, because we have adapted to many other cultures' ways of dealing with life, she says.
Drum dancing, for example, can be used for healing, she mentions.
She hopes that the drum dance and Greenland's indigenous culture will become part of the curriculum in primary schools, so that everyone gets to know the cultural heritage.
- It is a good way to stand together as people, because it is a form of communication without limitations, says Varna Marianne Nielsen.
In 2021, drumming and singing were included on UNESCO's world heritage list of so-called intangible culture, which has significance for the people and societies of the world.
The new UNESCO book is available here: Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples - UNESCO Digital Library